In, but not Of

Many are familiar with the idea of Christians being “in the world but not of it.” This is not a verbatim verse of scripture, but a consolidation of many teachings pointing to this truth. A good place to start is John 17:13-18.

This creates an interesting “dual citizenship” for the believer. Our hope is in Jesus, not in political leadership. We may rejoice when our nation’s times are good and lament when they are bad. Perhaps not so ironically, however, we have seen the Church whither in the worst of times and thrive in the best.

God appoints times and rulers for His purposes. As Christians we need to be very careful about what or who we call “good.” (Luke 18:19.) This present world, for better or for worse, is passing away. (1 John 2:17.) Meanwhile we have the privilege of doing work with eternal consequences IN this present world because we are now OF a far greater and everlasting Kingdom.

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