about this Sticky

Welcome! My name is Pete. I am an older guy who has finally decided what he wants to be when he grows up; a Christian chaplain. I’m not really sure what all that will involve, other than ministry outside the walls of the traditional “proclamation church.” I am an ordained chaplain, ordained under the non-denominational authority of the Christian Leaders Alliance.

This blog is to share my journey. It may serve as encouragement or it may be a cautionary tale. Even if nobody reads this, the writing will help me. Communicating gets us out of our own heads. It forces us to check our premises as we assume an outside perspective on our inner thoughts.

I have some specific goals in writing this blog. One of them is to use as few personal pronouns as possible. It is a challenge to stay outward-focused, and the number of personal pronouns will likely be inversely proportional to how well that goal is achieved. Another is to capture some “fireworks” of consciousness as they occur, and before they fizzle into wherever those sorts of things end up.

The most important goal is to record how God is working. Every breath we take is a gift of God’s love and grace. The Hebrew root of the name God shared with us, YHWH, is the sound of respiration. He is at work all around us, all the time. He leaves us the choice of being part of His work. Learning to make that choice is what this is all about.

Actually, God teaching me to make that choice is what this is all about.

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